Update on fibro pinky

So here was I feeling all smart about finding a solution to fibro pinky. I should know better!

My ring and middle fingers don't seem to be impressed with my attempts to minimize the cause of the pain  (ie: typing) in my pinky so they've now joined in the fun - the top joint of my ring finger being the more painful of them all and even surpassing the pain in fibro pinky!

I stop one from hurting so the pain just spreads as if to say "you can't stop me, honey" 

At this rate, I may just have to learn to type with my toes 😡😂

All joking aside, I know what my body is telling me and, as with all of us who know better, I'm not pushing through. So while I do enjoy working on this blog, listening to my fibro and tinnitus is more important and I know better than to push myself because I know what will happen if I do - things will get worse. Much worse.

And that's why I;ve been working on two posts simultaneously over the last month. I mean, I do have a day job so this blog happens when I have the time and physical ability to do more than what I do in my day job. And did want to share an update on fibro pinky when I realized what was going while also starting to share some information which you can use on your healing journey. So ... day job plus the two blog posts = a month between posts. It just is ... you know what I mean 🤗

Goodnight with a view of the sunset over Beirut from the balcony of my family home in Lebanon. 
