While I was writing my last post, something was playing on the TV in the background - I don't know what it was because I was only half paying attention. I did manage to catch something that enraged me to the point where I couldn't wait to finish my last post and write this one!!
Some fitness expert to the stars was talking about massage therapy and how it can cure all the ills of the world. And the part that got my blood boiling (I could quite literally feel tingling under my skin and waves of wrath moving from my gut to the tips of my fingers) was when, as he was going through his list of everything that massage therapy is good for with full confidence and a big smile on his face, he said "fibromyalgia".
It's not the inclusion of fibromyalgia in his list that got to me. It's the exclusion of "it can also sometimes help with" or "in some cases" or "for some people with".
The way he said, massage therapy is the cure we've all been waiting for.
Except it's not.
For some people, like me, massage therapy makes our pain a shit-ton worse because our bodies or brains decode the massage as a traumatic experience.
Before I knew better, I spent a ton of time and money on different kinds of massages and wondered why they didn't work. Part of the reason they didn't work is because they weren't appropriate for my experience with fibro.
So, please, (this is the PSA part of the post) whenever you hear someone very confidently say that XYZ is great for fibro or can cure fibro. Please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease don't blindly believe them and spend a bunch of time and money on whatever they've mentioned. Do your research, talk to people, find a trustworthy professional that you can speak with before you jump, with your heart and wallet, into the "cure".
I say with all the love I have for those of you who are living with fibro and a full appreciation of what it means - physically, mentally, and emotionally - to be living the fibro life.
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