The tinnitus, hormone imbalance, and fibro relationship

If you read my last post, you'll remember that I said I was going to come to back to the tinnitus and weight gain in relation to the fibro. (If you didn't read my last post, please do or what I'm saying here and in the video may not make as much sense as it should.)

Before either one of us launches into the video (I gotta say, I love making these videos), there are a few things that are worth putting down in writing for you to read. 

Tinnitus: from what I've understood over the last eight months there are two reasons for tinnitus to exist: physical/medical reasons and non-physical/medical reasons. So, first things first, if you have tinnitus go on ahead and make sure that there are no physical or medical reasons for it.

Insulin resistance: after a long and tortuous journey of weight gain with no solution in sight and blood tests that showed no abnormality, I was finally introduced to a psychoneuroimmunologist functional medicine practitioner (a lovely gentleman named Jamie Richards* who can be reached on and to whom I will forever be grateful!) who figured out that I'm lactose intolerant and insulin resistant. Once we cut lactose and grains - not gluten, all grains (more on that in a future video) - from my diet, the weight quite literally dropped off (not that that was a fun experience!) and although I was happy to have lost the weight, I was beyond relieved to finally know what had been wrong in the first place. The moral of the story here is that even if your tests come back normal, if you know that something is wrong, try another route to finding out what that something is because - and this is the important part - nutrition and hormone levels (insulin is a hormone) play a big role on the road to finding a treatment plan that works for you if you have fibro or CFS. In my case, as you'll hear in the video, insulin resistance is the second hormone imbalance I've been diagnosed with. Coincidence? I don't believe in it. As Albert Einstein once said: God does not play dice. Sure, he was talking about quantum physics' ability to explain everything in the universe but that doesn't make his view any less true of anything else in the world. 

In the video, I also mention two other gentlemen, Alex Howard* and Dr. Mark Hyman, and a lady, Niki Gratrix.

Alex is the gentleman who put me on the start of my recovery journey (and this sharing journey) - and I'll share some of what I learned and how I've been implementing and building on what I learned in future posts and videos - and to whom I will always be grateful for helping me make sense of what I'm going through. I don't remember how I discovered Alex ... I guess it was just time for this part of my fibro journey 💕

Alex is, among other things, founder of the Optimum Health Clinic. You can learn more about him and the RESET program (that's the one I followed) here and you can learn more about the various other treatments/interventions available through the clinic here. When you submit the contact form or send an email, it'll probably go through to the very lovely Taru who is so helpful and sunshiny to speak with 🤗 - honestly, I smile whenever I see her name in my inbox.

I haven't worked directly with Dr. Mark Hyman but I wouldn't be staying true to my healing journey nor doing you any favors if I didn't mention him. He's the person I learned the most from about something called 'increased intestinal permeability' aka 'leaky gut'. If you wanna know if you have leaky gut, one of the ways to tell (and we can thank Jamie for this bit of knowledge) is to pay attention to your gums when you brush your teeth or floss; if they bleed, you likely have leaky gut. That's how I figured out that I have leaky gut. I'll talk more about this in a future post. 

You can learn more about Dr. Hyman and his work here and here

Similarly, I haven't worked directly with Niki but I did attend her trauma conference online this year and benefited tremendously from the information she shares on healing trauma with a small t. In fact, it's a combination of this information and what I learned during the RESET program with Alex that made the path to my developing fibro crystal clear (there really was no escape) as well as what I must, therefore, do to support my healing from the deepest part of me. An understanding of myself I never had before now exists (even though, thanks to both my postgrad degree in counseling and coaching certification, I did already have a higher degree of self-awareness and understanding than most ... but the knowledge I gained on this healing journey takes that understanding to a whole new depth) and, more than that, windows into my past have opened which, every few days, will blow a new memory or a new learning in that I then use on my healing journey.

You can learn more about Niki and her work here.

It's worth mentioning that Jamie and Alex and his team are used to working with clients all over the world so don't worry if you're not based anywhere close enough to them to visit in person. I don't know if the same is true of Niki and Dr. Hyman.

*I'm not affiliated with Jamie or Alex in any way and I don't make any money if you do decide to work with one or both of them. They're simply professionals who I've worked with and whose approaches I have found work for me and have helped me map my healing journey. 

Time for the video 😁
